Guidance Taken from - Safe working in education, childcare and children’s social care settings, including the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) (Only parts that apply to the support provided by AMC Educational Support are below.)
Please note that this document is a working document, as guidance changes from the government. As the guidance and rules have changed since this document was created, this is only an advisory, to minimise the spread of Covid-19 to those at risk, or whose ability to work may be affected if they catch the virus.
1. Try to minimise contact with individuals who are unwell. If you have, or are showing symptoms of, coronavirus (COVID-19) (a new continuous cough, a high temperature, or a loss of, or change in, your normal sense of taste or smell - anosmia), or have someone in your household who is, you should try to not be in a childcare setting, school, or college. You should try to stay at home, in line with the guidance for households with possible coronavirus infection.
If you have symptoms, it is advisable to have a test to check if you have coronavirus.
2. Clean your hands thoroughly more often than usual – STAFF
Clean your hands more often than usual, particularly after arriving at your setting, when returning from breaks, and before and after eating or handling food, as well as after touching your face, blowing your nose, and sneezing or coughing.
To clean your hands, you should wash your hands thoroughly for 20 seconds with running water and soap and dry them thoroughly or use alcohol hand rub/sanitiser ensuring that all parts of the hands are covered.
3. Ensure good respiratory hygiene by promoting the ‘catch it, bin it, kill it’ approach - STAFF
Avoid touching your mouth, eyes, and nose. Cover your mouth and nose with disposable tissues when you cough or sneeze. If one is not available, sneeze into the crook of your elbow, not into your hand. Dispose of tissues into a disposable rubbish bag and immediately clean your hands with soap and water or use a hand sanitiser.
4. Introduce enhanced cleaning, including cleaning frequently touched surfaces often using standard products, such as detergents and bleach. (Advice if a case of Covid-19 is suspected.)
Cleaning should be generally enhanced, including:
• more frequent cleaning of rooms or shared areas that are used by different groups.
• cleaning frequently touched surfaces more often than normal, such as:
• door handles
• handrails
• tabletops
• play equipment
• toys
• electronic devices (such as phones)
When cleaning, use the usual products, like detergents and bleach, because these are very effective at getting rid of the virus on surfaces.
All education, childcare and children’s social care settings should follow the PHE guidance on cleaning for non-healthcare settings.
5. Minimise contact between individuals and try to maintain distancing wherever possible.
6. Where necessary, wear PPE – (Advice if a case of Covid-19 is suspected.)
Most staff in education, childcare and children’s social care settings will not require PPE beyond what they would normally need for their work, even if they are not always able to maintain a distance of 2 metres from others.
AMC Educational Support Guidance (Which will be in line with current government guidelines, and as they change)
• Please can all within the home try to wash their hands prior to a home visit, following part 2 of the above previous government guidance.
• Were possible, please ensure that all windows are open in the area I/we will be working.
• Please could you notify me (Anne-Marie Barton) as soon as possible of anyone who tests positive for Covid-19 or is symptomatic in your household. (In line with the guidance for households with possible coronavirus infection.) If you have symptoms, you or someone in your household, it is advisable to have a test to check if you have coronavirus.
• Please notify me (Anne-Marie Barton), prior to any in person support, if anyone within your household has been in contact with someone with Covid-19 or possible infection of. (If you have symptoms, you or someone in your household, it is advisable to have a test to check if you have coronavirus.)
AMC Educational Support will ensure the following to reduce the risks of passing on Covid-19 to your household and other households that we may work in. Please can you and your household follow the above and below guidance, to minimise the risk of spreading the virus. (Thank you.)
• Following guidance above (part 6). All staff will wear a face covering if requested during any 1:1 support.
• All staff will wash their hands prior to any 1:1 support. Staff will use hand sanitiser that contains at least 70% ethanol, prior to, and after any 1:1 session.
• I, Anne-Marie Barton (owner) will notify you immediately if any staff, myself, or anyone in my household develops symptoms of a possible Covid-19 infection or tests positive. •
I, Anne-Marie Barton (owner) will notify you of any close contact, that I or any staff, or anyone in a staff member’s household, have had a confirmed or suspected case of Covid-19.
• (Staff continue to take regular lateral flow tests, once a week.)
• Staff will try to minimise touching items and surfaces within your home, please follow if you wish, the PHE guidance on cleaning for non-healthcare settings, if you have a case of Covid-19 within your home. • I (AMB) ensure that any resources are cleaned after/prior to use… this is following the previous PHE guidance on cleaning for non-healthcare settings.
• Secure remote video sessions where appropriate for the child/young person, will be offered as an alternative for 1:1 support.
Please be advised that anyone who does not wish to be on camera, is not in view of the camera during a remote session. It is also advisable to use the ‘blur my background’ option for remote sessions. For safeguarding reasons, no child/young person should be unsupervised during a remote session, and no personal information should be shared via the student or staff member.
Parents/carers should log into remote sessions, and not the young person. Please ensure that your child/young person is wearing appropriate clothing, and is not in just their underwear for example.
• This guidance is to reduce the risk of passing on Covid-19, by ensuring measures are taken to reduce the spread of the virus. AMC Educational Support, thank you for your cooperation and efforts to minimising the risk of spreading the virus (Covid-19).
This document was last updated on: 01/09/2022