AMC Educational Support (Owner, Anne-Marie Barton) is the Data Controller for the use of personal data in this privacy notice.
The categories of pupil/staff information that we process include:
• personal identifiers and contacts (such as name, contact details, emergency contacts and address)
• characteristics (such as ethnicity and language.)
• safeguarding information (such as court orders and professional involvement)
• special educational needs (including the needs and ranking and information from EHCPs)
• medical and administration (such as doctors' information, child health, dental health, allergies, medication and dietary requirements)
• attendance (such as sessions attended, number of absences, absence reasons and any previous schools attended)
• assessment and attainment (such as key stage 1 and phonics results, post-16 courses enrolled for and any relevant results)
• behavioural information (such as exclusions and any relevant alternative provision put in place)
This list is not exhaustive, and it does not include the information we may process in accordance with our data protection policy.
Why do we collect and use pupil/staff information
The personal data collected is essential for AMC Educational Support to fulfil their official functions and meet legal requirements.
We collect and use pupil information for the following purposes:
a) to support pupil learning
b) to monitor and report on pupil attainment progress
c) to provide appropriate pastoral care
d) to assess the quality of our services
e) to keep children safe (food allergies, emergency contact details, medication - including monitoring any effect on the child/young person’s cognitive and physical ability and safeguarding)
f) to meet the statutory duties the Department for Education and the Local Authority placed upon us.
We collect and store/use staff information for safeguarding, emergency contact information, and safer recruitment purposes to obtain regular DBS checks. We may also store third-party information for safer recruiting and safeguarding checks (such as a person’s suitability and character).
Collecting pupil information
We collect pupil information via EHCPs, professional reports, medical reports, assessments, student targets, relevant forms for provision, and from agencies involved with the student. Pupil data is essential for AMC Educational Support’s operational use. Whilst most of the student information you provide is mandatory, some of it is requested on a voluntary basis. To comply with the data protection legislation, we will inform you at the point of collection whether you are required to provide certain pupil information to us or if you have a choice in this, and we will tell you what you need to do if you do not want to share this information with us.
Storing pupil data
We hold pupil data securely for the duration of support provided by AMC Educational Support and in accordance with our data protection policy. All data held is stored at our business address in secure units, with additional CCTV on the premises.
Who do we share pupil information with
We routinely share pupil information with the following:
• schools
• local authorities
• youth support services (pupils aged 13+)
• the Department for Education (DfE)
Why do we regularly share pupil information
We do not share information about our pupils with anyone without consent unless the law and our policies allow us to do so. We may need to share such information to assist with any transition, such as into a school placement, the local authority to update a student’s EHCP or when requested by the DfE.
Youth support services
Pupils aged 13+
Once pupils reach the age of 13, pupil information may be passed to our local authority and / or provider of youth support services as they have responsibilities in relation to the education or training of 13-19-year-olds under section 507B of the Education Act 1996.
This enables them to provide services as follows:
• youth support services
• careers advisers
A parent or guardian can object to any information in addition to their child’s name, address, and date of birth being passed on to their local authority or provider of youth support services by informing us. This right is transferred to the child/pupil once they reach the age of 16.
Pupils aged 16+
Specific information about pupils aged 16+ may be passed onto our local authority and / or provider of youth support services as they have responsibilities in relation to the education or training of 13-19-year-olds under section 507B of the Education Act 1996.
This enables them to provide services as follows:
• post-16 education and training providers
• youth support services
• careers advisers
Once a child or pupil reaches the age of 16, they can inform us that they object to only their name, address, and date of birth being passed to their local authority or provider of youth support services. For more information about services for young people, please visit our local authority website.
Department for Education
The Department for Education (DfE) collects personal data from educational settings and local authorities via various statutory data collections.
We are required to share information about our pupils with the Department for Education (DfE) either directly or via our local authority for the purpose of data collection. All data is transferred securely and held by DfE under a combination of software and hardware controls, which meet the current government security policy framework.
Please see the ‘How Government uses your data’ section for more information.
Local Authorities
We may be required to share information about our pupils with the local authority to ensure that they can conduct their statutory duties under
• The school's admission code includes conducting Fair Access Panels.
Requesting access to your data
Under GDPR, parents and pupils have the right to request access to information about them that we hold. To request your personal information or be given access to your child’s educational record, contact Anne-Marie Barton, owner of AMC Home Support, by email: or
Depending on the lawful basis above, you may also have the right to:
• object to the processing of personal data that is likely to cause, or is causing, damage or distress
• prevent processing for direct marketing
• object to decisions being taken by automated means
• in certain circumstances, have inaccurate personal data rectified, blocked, erased or destroyed; and
• a right to seek redress, either through the ICO or through the courts
If you have a concern about the way we are collecting or using your data, you should raise your concern with us in the first instance or directly to the Information Commissioner’s Office at
Last updated
We may need to update this privacy notice periodically, so we recommend that you revisit it from time to time. This version was last updated on 30th June 2024.
If you would like to discuss anything in this privacy notice, please contact:
Anne-Marie Barton (owner of AMC Educational Support)
6 Glebe Cottages,
Epsom Road,
West Clandon,